COVID-19 Update From Coburg Islamic Centre
Dear fellow Muslims,
As we are all aware, the current COVID-19 pandemic has hit many countries worldwide, including Australia. Unfortunately, the virus has and continues to spread at a rapid rate.
As a result, officials have implicated restrictions on any gatherings that exceed 500 people.
Additionally, suggestions have been made to postpone daily prayers at local mosques, specifically Jumu’ah prayer.
It is our responsibility as a society to do anything possible to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and protect our community from its effects.
Hence, until further notice, Coburg Islamic Centre (CIC) will enforce the following changes;
– Jumu’ah prayer will NOT be held at CIC
– NO daily prayers will be performed in congregation (as a jemaah) at the mosque starting after isha prayer March 18, 2020. Those wanting to pray alone at the mosque will be able to do so in an allocated section only.
During this period, we advise our Muslim brothers and sisters to complete prayers in their homes in order to minimise any chance of spreading the virus and to seek medical attention at any sign of illness.
We pray that Allah (SWT) protect us all and that we are of those that pass HIS test.
CIC Management
For Updates about the COVID-19 make sure to check the Department of Health Website: